Caring for your indoor garden

Indoor Gardens require low maintenance and are easy to care for, however, like any outdoor garden they will appreciate some attention. 

Placement of my indoor garden
- Indoor gardens from the Woodland range prefer a semi-shaded position, away from direct sunlight.  
- Terrarium, Desert and Planter ranges require more sunlight. They are ideal for window sills and work well in conservatories. 


Watering my indoor garden 
- Woodland range plants require a spray ideally, once a week. 
- Terrarium, Desert and Planter range plants need watering once a week, but sparingly.  
- It is better to water on the soil/gravel surfaces than on the plants themselves.  
- It is not essential, but all ranges benefit if rainwater can be used. 


Feeding my indoor garden
- Indoor gardens containing succulents and cacti can be fed around once a month, using an appropriate plant feed from a garden centre.


Replanting service

- Like all plants, indoor garden plants bed in and grow. Should you wish to have the indoor garden freshened-up or replanted, we offer a follow up replant service.


Still got a question or would like to book the replanting service? 

Call Steve on 07540 948 555 or drop us a line: